“Mystic reflection and the modern urge to progress are being reconciled … We are captivated: This is how cultures successfully melt together.” (Jazzpodium)

„ …spectacular keyboarding … most exquisite rhythms … “ (The Hindu, Bangalore)

Jarry´s compositions include pieces for his quartet „Blumenbein“  with the renowned British saxophonist Julian Argüelles as well as music for jazztrio and symphony-orchestra. In New York, Mexico City and La Paz/Bolivia, where Jarry lived for several years, his work was inspired by meeting musicians from all around the world.

For many years he was a member of „Borderland“, the award-winning quartet of the Ukrainian singer Mariana Sadovska. Performances with „Lagash“, an ensemble led by the Iraquian composer Saad Thamir, took him to the Biennal of the Emirate Sharjah and the Berlin Philharmonic.

Jarry´s current projects centre round his trio „Eastern Flowers“, an ensemble whose members all have a close cultural connection to the Indian subcontinent. The group with the fantastic South-Indian percussionist Ramesh Shotham and the Indo-German bassist Christian Ramond performed all over India and toured in Bolivia and Argentina. Their first CD „Mineralle“ was released  by „Jazzsick Records“. “Eastern Flowers” was invited to the renowned „Acht Brücken Festival“ in Cologne, to the Buenos Aires and Cordoba Jazz Festivals and to “Musik in Donaueschingen”.

In 2013 Jarry Singla was selected by the Arts Foundation of the German state North-Rhine Westphalia for a six month stay in Mumbai as an Artist-in-Residence. There he formed an ensemble with three of the most promising Indian musicians: vocalist Sanjeev Chimmalgi, tabla-player/composer Vinayak Netke and sarod-virtuoso Pratik Shrivastav. A year later the Arts Foundation invited „The Mumbai Project“ for a tour in North-Rhine Westphalia, studio recordings, a film production and workshops, together with Christian Ramond and Ramesh Shotham. In November 2016 the first CD of this sextet was published on Double Moon Records and in September 2017 „The Mumbai Project“ was invited to work with the HR Bigband – one of Germany´s finest radio bigbands based in Frankfurt.

Shortly after his stay in India Jarry participated in another residency in Poland which led to the foundation of the trio WEI3 with two very inspiring European musicians: the polish bassist Maciej Garbowski and the french drummer Peter Orins. Since ist foundation WEI3 has performed at the festival „Vive le Jazz“ in Germany, at the NRW Representations in Brussels and Berlin, at the Goethe-Institut Paris and in the University of Arras/France. „Kaliko“ – their first CD – was published in 2016 with the french Label Circum Disc.

In 2015 Jarry Singla started working in the duo “Shatabdi” with the German saxophonist Johannes Lemke „Shatabdi“ which aims at approaching diverse musical influences from a „global jazz perspective“. In 2016 they performed at the „Festijazz“ Festival in La Paz within the context of a German-Bolivian encounter. Their first CD – „Eismetallen“ – will be released in early 2018 with Jazzsick Records. The duo collaborates with the Iraquian djozé-player Bassem Hawar and performed with the Afghan-German vocalist Simin Tander in 2018.

Jarry´s extensive residencies in South-America between 2014 and 2017 led to collaborations with the Bolivian charango-player Alfredo Paredes  and the Argentinian Duo Confluencia with whom he performed at the renowned Usina de Arte in Buenos Aires in 2017.

In 2016 Jarry Singla initiated the foundation of the musicians-collective SONIQ. SONIQ consists of artists who see the focus of their work in intercultural projects and aim at creating international networks and cooperations. A SONIQ concert series started in 2018 as an ongoing cooperation with the ‘Stadtgarten’ in Cologne. The group follows a visionary path, bringing together elements from disparate cultures to create a contemporary, authentic music. The artists participating in the SONIQ series will be on a musical treasure hunt, opening sound spaces, taking risks, and widening their horizons.

Jarry Singla has been invited to work with the outstanding German trumpeter and composer Markus Stockhausen. Performances with Markus´ ensemble „Eternal Voyage“ took place in September 2017. Their live recording at the Düsseldorf Festival was released by Sony Music / Okeh Records in June 2018.