Music for amateurs and professionals

“Diffusion Music” – developed by Jarry Singla – is a concept for bringing together amateurs and professional musicians.

During a series of workshops the musical worlds of the laymen and the pros merge with the aim of developing and presenting music on equal terms. The creative energy and the individual strength of everybody involved is supposed to develop to the full.

For the workshops Jarry Singla uses an approach which he calls “modular composition”, meaning that initially he composes and introduces a number of musical fragments. Only during the process of rehearsing it will emerge how these modules are used. They may be developed, simplified or changed due to ideas of the participants, they may be combined with improvised sections, they may be replaced by other elements, … Creative zigzaging is most welcome at any time !

#Jarry tested this concept for the first time during a workshop with children in a slum in Mumbai. Later he applied it when working on behalf of Landesmusikrat NRW with his trio Eastern Flowers and students of the Genoveva-Gymnasium, a high-school in Cologne/Germany.